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In·spire-"er" (n-spr er)

v. in·spired, in·spir·ing, in·spires
1. To directly affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.

2. To fill with strong enlivening or exalting emotion: hymns that inspires a congregation or group; an artist who was inspired by Impressionism.

3.a. To stimulate or move to action; motivate: a sales force that was inspired by the prospect of a bonus or reward.
b. To affect or touch: The falling leaves inspired her with sadness.
4. To draw forth; elicit or arouse: a teacher who inspired admiration and respect.
5. To be the cause or source of; bring about: an invention that inspired many imitations.
6. To draw in (air) by inhaling.
7. Archaic
a. To breathe on.
b. To breathe direct life into.
v.intr.1. To stimulate energies, ideals, or reverence: a leader who inspires


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

“Your mind is like a garden. Your thoughts are like seeds. You can plant roses, or you can plant weeds.” MENTAL TRANSMUTATION (Mind Transformation)   Just as you can change water to ice and ice back to water, as so you can do with your mind. Before any of your muscles can respond, a mental activity must take place. It all starts in the mind. Before the creation of the Universe, it must have been a thought in the mind of the creator.   Therefore, we must be able to create our world, or our universe with a thought in our mind.   “Transmute” means “to change from one nature, form or substance, into another; to transform” (Webster) The mind as well as any other form of matter may be transformed from one degree to another degree, from one end of the spectrum to the other end of the spectrum, from vibration to vibration to vibration. With today’s available technology we can now create and manufacture diamonds from human hair in an office building. They are virtually real GIA certifiable diamonds. This is done by extracting the carbon from human remains and subjecting them to the same conditions, temperatures and pressures in which coal is transformed into diamonds in the natural world. If we can transform the world’s hardest material, then we possess the ability to transform our minds under any condition.   This principle suggests that the underlying reality of the Universe is thought. If it is Mental in nature, then mind transformation must be the ability to change the conditions in our lives, in our environment, and in our world. I often recommend that if your want to lose weight, altering your diet is not always the most effective method and we tend to put the weight back on; however, if you purify and change your mind, you no longer desire impure things. Ultimately this cleanses the body of toxins, unhealthy desires and habits, and the body will naturally restore itself to its optimal state. Where the mind goes, the body soon follows.   “Where the mind goes, the body soon follows.”   It is also possible to unconsciously transform the mental states of others. Remember the scene in Star Wars When the young Obi-Wan Kenobi took a seat at a bar and an alien Patron continued to indulge himself to an unspecified amount of cocktails? The patron asked Obi-Wan, “do you want to buy some death sticks?   Obi-Wan waved his hand and replied, “You don’t want to sell me death sticks.” Patron-“I don’t want to sell you death sticks.” Obi-Wan, “you want to go home and re-think your life.” Patron-“I want to go home and re-think my life.” The yielded Patron turns away an abandons the scene.       “Well Obi-Wan did this consciously by understanding the laws of the Force, and in this case, as in most, the effected was not informed of the principles of self-protection. Every physical condition can be changed, depending on the amount of passion driving the desire.           “Your mind is like a garden.  Your thoughts are like seeds. You can plant roses, or you can plant weeds.”     THE UNIVERSE IS MENTAL   “We are held in the Mind of the SPIRIT.”   What is spirit? The English word spirit comes from the Latin word Spiritus, which means breath. Spirit is simply a name that men give to the highest conception of an Infinite Living Mind. The Real Essence that is far superior to life, mind, mechanical energy and matter.   I once thought what is it that man can actually create? What can we create at will from our own substance with out any outside influence? We can certainly build things, but only by manipulating the materials that were already here. Here on Earth that is. Everything was already here! Nothing from the beginning of the existence of man was imported. Not just the Seas, the Animals, the Birds and the Bees; but Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon and Trees. They were already here.   I can’t look at my fingernails and will them to grow. I can’t make the wood to build my home nor can I make the fire to keep me warm. Can you reach out your hand and grab the light, and maybe bring it into your closet? Can you fill a bucket with heat and store it for a cold winter day? Man can pro-create or reproduce by transferring a portion of his substance to his offspring.   Since something can never come from nothing, we must have been created. We fill the air with shouts, “I am God,” yet what is that we can create? Some people believe that God created the Universe from Itself. But if this were true then every lowly life form and particle would be aware of its own existence since this suggest that God can be subtracted from or divided into fragments of itself. Therefore when the Universe was created, what materials and elements were present to create it? Nothing. We are held and created in the mind of God. Man creates with his mind. The Universe is Mental.         We can create no other way except mentally. Just as you can create your own world in your mind, so does God create universes in it’s own mentality. Except your Universe is the mental creation of a finite mind; whereas that of God is of an Infinite Mind. The two are similar in kind, but infinitely different in degree.   So with the basis of this principle, how does one shift from one degree to another degree, from one condition to another condition? We have established that it begins with thought. No problem can be solved from the level of consciousness that created it. -Albert Einstein


You are blessed with the ability to change many circumstances!

Be full of courage...

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear”….Mark Twain.

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