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In·spire-"er" (n-spr er)

v. in·spired, in·spir·ing, in·spires
1. To directly affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.

2. To fill with strong enlivening or exalting emotion: hymns that inspires a congregation or group; an artist who was inspired by Impressionism.

3.a. To stimulate or move to action; motivate: a sales force that was inspired by the prospect of a bonus or reward.
b. To affect or touch: The falling leaves inspired her with sadness.
4. To draw forth; elicit or arouse: a teacher who inspired admiration and respect.
5. To be the cause or source of; bring about: an invention that inspired many imitations.
6. To draw in (air) by inhaling.
7. Archaic
a. To breathe on.
b. To breathe direct life into.
v.intr.1. To stimulate energies, ideals, or reverence: a leader who inspires


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Today is a good Day.
Bless someone and you will be blessed. Identify a need and fill it.
Discounting all selfishness and self interest. It's the very first
day of the rest of your life... Get Inspired by having the ability
to be a Blessing. I text message one person a day and I catch them
by surprise with that Special Nugget...

Be Blessed.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

8 Ways to Inspire Others

Have you ever looked up to someone or admired something about another person that really inspired you? Well, there are certain qualities about a person’s character that enable them to inspire others, and there are steps you can take to awaken these same qualities in yourself. Here’s how:

Stick With What You Love

Inspiring others isn’t easy. The success rate of those who attempt to inspire is incredibly low when the measurement of success is based on the percentage inspired as opposed to the actual number inspired. Huge motivational seminars with thousands of attendees typically make a real lasting impact in only a few people’s lives. If you look at those same odds for yourself, you might easily be discouraged if you hope to inspire others by doing something you don’t truly love to do.

If, however, you do love something dearly, you won’t care how successful you are at inspiring others and you will continue to persevere (on many levels) no matter how many times you fail. When people doubt you, and when people laugh at your failures, you will continue to do what you love because you love it. So having that depth, that love and passion for something, will protect you from all potential failures.

Will you make the most of failures and continue to drive your passions? Will you inspire others even when you don’t succeed at first? What do you love?

Think Big and Noble

Once you establish a foundation for which you have great passion, start thinking big. How many people could you potentially inspire based on your niche of expertise? Are there ways you can expand your impact? Don’t look to inspire one person, look to inspire hundreds! Remember, this goes back to the low success rate percentages, as you will likely not succeed with working to inspire at a very small level. You need to think big and have many people available to inspire. Fifty people out of a thousand is only five percent, but it’s still fifty people. Share your ideas with as many people as possible and allow them grow your influence beyond your initial ideas for inspiration.

Thinking big is not only about inspiring more people, but also about the impact you have on each person. Don’t settle on making minor changes in a person’s life if they need a total makeover. Instead, aim to change everything. Look to inspire in many areas instead of just one. Think big about the positive impact you might have and this will give you a much better chance of leaving some kind of impression. If you promote a hundred ways for someone to change or heal and they take on just one, you have still helped them!

Another useful way to inspire others is to support an established noble cause or practice, such as saving the environment or feeding the poor. It’s much easier to gain attention, followers, and support for noble causes than it is for individual gain or what some might think are more selfish reasons. An offer to change something that has a positive impact on the global society is far more attractive to onlookers than some short lived, localized venture. So keep those areas of influence as big as possible!

Be Expressive

Passion is something you must have and be willing to express it if you really want to inspire others. You can gain a lot of influence just by publically expressing that you are excited and passionate about a topic. You make it much harder to inspire others if you are boring an unenthusiastic. Expressive passion is contagious because of the curiosity it stirs in others. You’ll get people wondering why you love what you love so much. Naturally, some of them will take the time necessary to understand what it is about the topic that moves you.

Practice What You Preach

You need to remain actively involved in the field in which you intend to inspire others. It’s the age old saying of “practice what you preach,” and it holds true for anyone trying to inspire others. Ultimately, if you really want to inspire others to do something then this ‘something’ should be a big part of your life. You don’t necessarily need to be an expert at it, but you do need to be passionately involved.

Keep an Open Door

You must always maintain an open invitation to everyone you encounter. Personally welcome others, and listen to their needs. Once you are involved with them, keep it personal and always maintain a healthy line of communication.

Offer a Guiding Hand

The best part of inspiring others is to have interest in not only what you do, but to also recognize your followers and have an opportunity to see them grow and change as well. Offer to share your personal stories, teach them things you’ve learned along the way, talk about your failures and achievements, and ask them questions about their own progress. Help them avoid the mistakes you’ve made in the past, and always maintain a positive outlook on their forward progress.

Be Consistent

Consistency in actions, information, and moral standards is also extremely important. If you constantly change your methods, your interests, and the field in which you hope to inspire others, you will have little success. People want to see and associate your ideas with a reliable plan that they can follow. You need to demonstrate this consistency through your actions, but you can also compliment your actions with inspirational story telling. Story telling allows you to reproduce important past experiences as a means to guide and inspire others. Make sure use stories that embrace the consistency of your actions.

Stay Positive

The process of inspiring others comes with no shortage challenges and negative naysayers. To get past this, you must stay positive, work past failures, and present optimism openly to others no matter what the circumstances are. Doubt is a very contagious disease, and if you show any of it, you can easily destroy any positive influence you might have instilled in a person.

And there you have it: My thoughts on how to inspire others. I’d love to hear your feedback, thoughts and comments on the subject. Which of these points have the biggest impact to you? Have I left something out? Do you have any personal experiences or inspirational stories to share?

This guest post was written by Mike King, the author of Learn This.


Very Impressive Mission Statement from Starbucks

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One person’s idea can inspire and raise thousands!

Teacher Kelly Quance had been aware about the crisis in Darfur, but after witnessing a powerful depiction of the humanitarian crisis in a documentary, Kelly knew she needed to get involved. “It became impossible for me to not act” she says.

Kelly decided to hold a gently-used toy sale to benefit Darfur at her school, and sent home a carefully researched information package to parents. Kelly says “I had a lot of support from the beginning – a key group of friends, community members, and teachers”. With her efforts, she found, came acute awareness in others. “Many friends, community members and colleagues told me that they were inspired by my initiative and motivated to do more to help others.”

The response was overwhelming. “Our gym was transformed into a toy store, we told people to pay what they wished and encouraged them to make a donation to Oxfam. The spirit of giving was palpable that night.”

Kelly’s idea was a fundraising success. The school raised an astounding $10,311.53 for Oxfam! “This was a grassroots effort. Regardless of how much money we raised, I felt that our efforts had been worthwhile.” Teaching a new generation about social justice and motivating those around her, all while raising thousands for Oxfam makes Kelly a true inspiration.

By Oxfam.com

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This gentlemen sent out and received inspirational messages by text because they spoke to him and strengthened his sense of inclusion in a larger community. He began forwarding them on to other friends that were in treatment. These people in turn gave him the phone numbers of their friends and asked him to "pass on" these inspirational messages.Now people are being blessed through the power words. Live Inspired.

Monday, July 27, 2009

CLICK HERE to Check out the method to the text madness

With more than 82 million people texting regularly, it's no wonder you've seen this cryptic looking code!
Commonly used wherever people get online -- including IMing, SMSing, cell phones, Blackberries, PDAs, Web sites, games, newsgroup postings, in chat rooms, on blogs -- these abbreviations are used by people to communicate with each other. The actual definition of an acronym and text shorthand is here.

Note: "C" and "S" are used interchangeably for "See" --and-- "U" and "Y" are used interchangeably for "You"

Associate with Winners !

Winners are the People you want to stay around. You don't want to be around a loser that does not know where he or she is going or even whether or not they can make. Decide if your going to become that person who is always uplifting... you'll notice yourself becoming airbourne.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

If you doubt you can accomplish something, then you can't accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.

It is hard to fail...But it is even worst not to have tried to Succeed

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What's a Twitter ANYWAY?

Twitter is essentially an ultra-mini blogging service allowing very brief updates (or as a friend of mine once put it, “140 characters of meaningless information that no one cares about to show you’re still alive”).
The majority of people post to Twitter via their cell phones, although posting can be done directly from the Web as well.
If you post your own “tweets” keep an eye on the number of characters you use. Most cell phones allow TXT of 160 characters but Twitter cuts them off at 140.
To follow any of the Twitter accounts listed here you need to either join Twitter yourself and “follow” the account you’re interested in; or alternatively do something like “favorite” the Web pages you want and look at them from a browser.
If you get deeply involved with Twitter, consider something more powerfully directed at it like TweetDeck.
People blogging about specific activities or events will use “hash tags,” a “#” symbol in front of what they’re talking about (e.g. #WSOP). The hash tag can appear anywhere in the line and can be searched on within Twitter.
To send a message directly to (or about) someone, you use the “@” symbol immediately before their Twitter ID (e.g. to talk at Doyle Brunson you’d say “@TexDolly”). The @ can appear anywhere within the line. In general poker pros tend to talk about what they’re doing, but not respond to people tweeting at them.
Unless you make an account private, all messages can be seen by the Internet. To make a direct private message that is out of the visible Twitter stream put “D ” at the start of the message (e.g. “D TexDolly meet you at the steak house tonight.”)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The most successful investor was Noah. He floated stock,
while everything around him went into liquidation.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.Ronald E. Osborn

Thursday, April 16, 2009


"If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything"

Friday, April 10, 2009


One day a while back a man, his heart heavy with grief, was walking in the woods. As he thought about his life this day, he knew many things were not right.
He thought about those who had lied about him back when he had a job.
His thoughts turned to those who had stolen his things and cheated him.
He remembered family that had passed on.
His mind turned to the illness he had, that no one could cure.
His very soul was filled with anger,resentment, and
frustration.Standing there this day, searching for answers he could not find, knowingall else had failed him, he knelt at the base of an old oak tree to seek the one he knew would always be there.

And with tears in his eyes, he prayed:'Lord, You have done wonderful things for me in this life. You have toldme to do many things for you, and I happily obeyed. Today, you have toldme to forgive. I am sad, Lord, because I cannot, I don't know how. Itisnot fair Lord, I didn't deserve these wrongs that were done against meand I shouldn't have to for give. As perfect as your way is Lord, thisone thing I cannot do, for I don't know how to forgive.

My anger is so deep Lord, I fear I may not hear you, but I pray you teach me to do the onething I cannot do: Teach me to forgive.'As he knelt there in the quiet shade of that old oak tree, he felt something fall onto his shoulder. He opened his eyes. Out of the corner of one eye,he saw something red on his shirt. He could not turn to see what it was because where the oak tree had been was a large square piece of wood in theground. He raised his head and saw two feet held to the wood with a large spike through them.He raised his head more, and tears came to his eyes as he saw Jesus hanging on a cross. He saw spikes in His hands, a gash in His side, a tornand battered body, thorns sunk deep into His head. Finally he saw the suffering and pain on His precious face. As their eyes met, the man's tears turned to sobbing, and Jesus began to speak.'Have you ever told a lie?' He asked? The man answered - 'Yes, Lord.''Have you ever been given too much change and kept it?'The man answered - 'Yes. Lord.' And the man sobbed more and
more.'Have you ever taken something from work that wasn't yours?' Jesus asked?
And the man answered, 'Yes, Lord.''Have you ever sworn, using my Father's name in vain?'The man, crying now, answered - 'Yes, Lord.'As Jesus asked many more times, 'Have you ever'? The man's crying became uncontrollable, for he could only answer - 'Yes, Lord'.Then Jesus turned His head from one side to the other, and the man felt something fall on his other shoulder He looked and saw that it was the blood of Jesus. When he looked back up, his eyes met those of Jesus, and there was a look of love the man had never seen or known before.Jesus said, 'I didn't deserve this either, but I forgive you.'It may be hard to see how you're going to get through something, but...
When you look back in life, you realize how true this statement is and you will overcome with faith and determinaton as you learn to FORGIVE !

Friday, March 13, 2009

Times don't have to be good... For you to be GREAT !

The secret of greatness is said to be many things. Some say that it means money, power, an executive position, and while this all may be true, there is one thing that people often miss - the words, that these people speak, or chose not to speak. That CEO position for a company or a seat on the Board of Directors or even being voted as District Attorney was not offered to an individual the second that they walked through the door. They had to prove worthy and prove that their words were not hollow and empty, but stronger than steel. Their words had power.

Always remember to speak as if these words were your last, talk as if this was your last breath, and communicate as if this was your last hour. Make sure that your words never cease to leave a powerful impact on those you come in contact to. Words create the stories that are told... make certain that your words leave behind an unforgettable tale.

Rachael Piljagic

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

IDEAS will come and GO...

You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you may not see them.
Pay attention and open your mind and donot be afraid to take a step towards...
maaaking sooomething haaappen!

Friday, March 6, 2009


COMING TO AMERICA! – Pay attention US Merchants !

Text SMS marketing rules in Europe and Asia. It is the paramount method for merchants to contact customers anytime, anyplace. People simply do not leave home without their cell phones, so you always have access to them with mobile marketing.
Text message marketing (a.k.a., "mobile marketing") is targeted, personal, immediate, and time-effective communication. Unlike e-mail marketing, which people tend to despise and regard as invasive, SMS is not viewed as Spam because people must ask for the information in the first place. It is information that people have requested and are happy to receive. Most people think of text messages as fun and informative.

In addition, mobile marketing is far more effective than online marketing. Online click-through responses average between 3-6 percent. Mobile marketing campaigns achieve as high as 80 percent response in Europe. Why? Mobile marketing occurs anytime, anywhere. The consumer requests and receives the message and can then act on it immediately. It's personal and immediate, and the audience is interested and motivated. In contrast, Internet marketing is limited to a time and place. The consumer must receive the waiting message and then act on it. It's impersonal and remote.

SMS subscribers have grown from 26.4 million in 2003 to an expected 785.5 million in 2007. Teens in the U.S. are sending about 1.6 billion text messages a month. Does this suggest a ready market? By the end of 2008, there will probably be in excess of 80 billion text messages exchanged globally. Capitalizing on this technology will separate many from their competitors.

Powerful application scenarios

The limitation of SMS is the 160-character size of the message. To get around this, it is possible to text a reply that contains a URL that links to a mini-Web site with more information and "buy" links. An example will help clarify this.
Say that a realtor places a For Sale sign in front of a property and attaches a box to the sign containing flyers with information about the property. Unfortunately, neighborhood kids take all the flyers, and when real prospects come by, there is no information available. If there were a text message strip on the bottom of the sign, the prospective customer could send a text message and instantly receive a reply with links to pictures of what the house looks like inside and all the specs. Not only that, the realtor now knows who the prospects are and how to contact them. Even better, the realtor now has a good idea about the price range, type of house, neighborhood, and size requirements of the prospect and can call them about comparables or text message the info to their cell phone.
Mobile phones are the future of marketing...
I doubt if there is a phone sold today that will not do text messaging. However, the real test is whether a phone is Web-enabled. Some phones are incapable of true Web browsing and some have limited capabilities and can only access a few carrier-specific Web sites. Some phones do not let you connect to hyperlinked Web sites. If that describes your phone, get rid of it and get a Windows Mobile device at your earliest convenience so that you can take advantage of the full potential of SMS.
Text messaging lets you quickly send and receive information, make reservations, make contributions, send money, receive money, make money, and save money. SMS is a powerful way to target consumers on the move because it goes where the customers are. Most consumers find the novelty of SMS fun and engaging. Compared to the efficiency of SMS, e-mail will become the "snail mail" of the electronic age. Texting will soon become the preferred marketing method for large and small businesses. Bill Gates predicts that mobile phones are the future"-"not laptops, and not Pocket PCs. As this future unfolds, mobile marketing will expand accordingly.

FootNote: Timothy S. Hillebrand, Ph.D., president of Synergetics International, is an archaeologist and a credible mobile technology enthusiast who enjoys writing archaeological adventure novels, traveling, and working in his Japanese garden. He is a blogger and the Windows Mobile editor for Handheld Computing Magazine. He has contributed hundreds of articles and reviews to various publications. He offers a workshop for the legal profession on how to become e-legal, e-literate, and e mobile in today’s market.He contributed to the information note here.

TEXT MESSAGING IS GETTING MORE AND MORE POPULAR even in the fast food industry see below !

(Copy and paste the links below into your browser)





Tuesday, March 3, 2009

One of my favorite Quotes

Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.

Les Brown

Tuesday, December 23, 2008



THIS IS A POWERFUL PRAYER! When you are DOWN to nothing ... God is UP to something.

Father, in the Name of Jesus, bless me even while I'm reading this
prayer and bless the one that sent this to me in a special way. Open
Doors in our lives today, Save and set free! Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we take back everything that The devil has stolen:
****Emotional Health
****Physical Health
I cancel every plot, plan and scheme the enemy has devised Against us in The NAME OF JESUS. And I declare:
NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER. I speak LIFE into every dead situation. And, I thank you that nothing is over until YOU say it's
Over! Speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations:
****our households are blessed;
****our health is blessed ;
****our marriages are blessed;
****our finances are blessed;
****our relationships are blessed;
****our businesses are blessed;
****our jobs are blessed;
****our children are blessed;
****our grandchildren are blessed;
****our parents are blessed;
****our siblings are blessed;
****our ministries are blessed;
****our decisions are blessed;
****our friends are blessed.
****Mortgages are paid and debts canceled; our hearts' desire is on the
Way; According to YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives. YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER FORSAKE US! IN JESUS' NAME!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


#1 Free your heart from hatred - Why Hate ?

#2 Free your mind from worries - Why Worry?

#3 Live Simply and with an open mind - Opportunity will never stop visiting

#4 Give More - The seeds of success starts when they are planted

#5 Expect Less - The measure of your life and love is when you love life without measure !


You are blessed with the ability to change many circumstances!

Be full of courage...

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear”….Mark Twain.

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